We aim to make your shopping experience a memorable one hence we offer a 3 day exchange period to all our customers on all Ready To Ship articles. In case of a Pre Booked article exchange is applicable only if there is a defect in the article. The Money will be credited to your Asmia - The Collective. Wallet against which you can purchase a different article.
Any Luxury Pret / Made To Order article from is not eligible for return / refund.
To return the product, please email us your order number be deducted from the credit amount provided.
We would like to let our customers know due to high import duties and shipping charges it is not feasible for us to refund the amount on Pre – Booked orders since its an additional cost and due to limited stock quantity other customers are unable to purchase the same product.
Items under SALE will not be exchanged or refunded unless the product is damaged.
If you would like to return any of the items purchased please contact our care team within 3 days of delivery with the following information:
- Order number
- - Specify the reason for return and in case of a defective or incorrect product, please send us an image of the item